Wednesday, November 26, 2014

White Privilege and Responsibility

To all my white friends and acquaintances who think my intelligence, education, and personal ambition makes me easily relatable, more like you and what you can understand, and therefore assume we share the same "reasonable" opinion about this (Michael Brown) and other situations like this:
     You expect me to respond in a way that validates your misguided perception that I somehow am different because I share your zip-code or sit next to you in class or am able to have a conversation with you that shows my cross-cultural interests; that I am an anomaly, the exception to the rule, the outlier- all because I am able to see and understand the world outside of myself. So let me tell you then, quite candidly just what I really see…

     Many of you are blinded to the realities of the black community and choose either to stand idle with ducked heads and forlorn stricken faces or just flat our deny the existence of our issues and needs having declared them un-founded. Few actually attempt to delve in and understand not only the struggles we face, but the roots behind them. I hold you equally accountable for the rehabilitation and restructuring of our society as a whole. The slavery of African Americans and the slave mentality was deliberately and strategically constructed by your ancestors. So the thought that any suggestions or implementations of reform would be successful without your acknowledgement and efforts is laughable! But your ignorance is no longer excused. It is through unfortunate events such as these that I  become more aware of and disheartened by the deficit of the education, responsibility, and empathy from the white community concerning the affairs of the black community. You stand on your pedestals in the safety of your homes and point fingers, judge, and make assumptions based off of little to no facts. You raise your apathetic, compassionless children to perpetuate stereotypes while they themselves bear witness to the differences society places on white children vs. black and instead of encouraging them to embrace the spirit of competition and use it to better themselves, they take after the inferiorties of their parents and grow to hate what they do not understand. Do you realize that the slavery of African Americans unlike any other forms of slavery, was specifically tailored to demolish the whole person and dominate an entire race of peoples? Our ancestors were not just forced laborers who were beaten and kidnapped from their homes. Wille Lynch and men like him wanted to ensure the lasting success of slavery and the slave mentality and they were vehement about the construction and implementation of their system. How much more then should you be for the cause of its ruin? The Willie Lynch Letter is specific and unapologetic in its approach regarding:

"The origin & Development of a Social Being Called 'the Negro"

     "First of all, we need a black nigger man, a pregnant nigger woman and her baby nigger boy. Second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more sustaining factors. What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another"… "we reduce them from their natural state in nature. Whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their offspring, we break the natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency status, so that we may be able to get from them, the useful production for our business and pleasure

"Cardinal Principles for Making a Negro"

     "…so that to avoid turmoil in the economy, it requires us to have breadth and depth in long range comprehensive planning, articulating both skill sharp perceptions…"
"Hence both the horse and the nigger must be broken… Keep the body, take the mind! In other words, break the will to resist…"
     "A brief discourse in offspring development will shed light on the key to sound economic principals. Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking, but concentrate on future generation. Therefore, if you break the female mother, she will break the offspring in its early years of development, and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process…"
     "...When it comes to breaking the uncivilized nigger, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure, so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him afire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining niggers…"

"The Breaking Process of the African Woman"

     "Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics… take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economics
"We have reversed the relationship, in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her… By her being left alone, unprotected, with the male image destroyed, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychologically dependent state to a frozen, independent state… she will raise her male and female offspring in reversed roles. For fear of the young male's life, she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak and dependent, but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female offspring to be psychologically independent. What have  you got? You've got the nigger woman out front and the man behind scared… Now we can sleep soundly, for out of fear his woman stands guard for us.
     "...we have created and orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re-shifts the position of the male and female slaves…"

"Negro Marriage"

 "…then take the nigger male away from them and keep them moving and working…"


"…we talked about the non-economic good of the horse and the nigger in their wild or natural state…we talked about paying particular attention to the female savage and her offspring for orderly future planning…by reversing the positions of the male and female savages, we created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever unless a phenomenon occurred and re-shifts positions of the male and female savages. Our experts warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and re-correct itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial original historical base… they advised us that the best way to deal with the phenomenon is the shave off the brute's mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions… each illusion will twirl on its own orbit… similar to floating balls in a vacuum…"

How can you not see the parallels in the modern day black communities and its roots strategically planned out in this letter, and not feel empathy, shame, and anger? Not because we are black, but because we are human. I am a person first, and I should not have to prove my value, intelligence, or right to life in light of my color. When will the burden of slavery be shared among both communities? The education of its origin and history thoroughly exposed and acknowledged? Black history is American history and we have to graduate from the brief focus on African American contributions and positive influences alone and come to terms with it all, the iniquitous included. We learn in depth about many other cultures in school from the irrigation systems of the mesopotamians and the architecture of the aztecs and that is all well and good; but tell me, when was the last time you ran across an Incan, or had coffee with a Mayan? We are failing. This system, was created to last indefinitely, but it is not indestructible. You cannot read this and not hear the deliberation and philosophy in their methods, and not realize that it requires more than just an evaluation of symptoms and the politically correct but nonetheless inadequate band-aids now in place. And they knew that. As long your heads remain buried in the sandlots, shoulders remain shrugged, and heads remain shaking then your mouth should remain closed. If you do not contribute to the solution you are contributing to the problem and your opinion, in my opinion is insignificant. In case you need a better picture of the lasting incapacitating consequences of white american ancestral mistakes, here is one befitting this holiday season: Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving, as we learn about, is proudly boasted to display the spirit of thanks and gratitude and how english settlers came to make peace with and learn from Native Americans. The Native Americans taught them how to harvest and traded their weaponry and provided invaluable insight on the land of which was eventually taken from them. After getting what use they could out of them the English took to "Indian Removal" and slaughtering of their villages. Nearly the entire population of Cherokee's was diminished during the Trail of Tears; a genocide of Native Americans, all for the expansion and advancement of the english, the very land we walk upon now. This country was built by and sustained by the blood, sweat, tears, bones, and bodies of the oppressed. We aren't asking you to apologize. We are outraged and angry at the lack of acknowledgment of these facts and the audacity to deny us our right to grieve. How can you not see the injustice? More importantly, how can you not see the opportunity? 

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