Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Hundred and Ten Things I Love

Jesus. My husband. Summer. Afternoon naps. Smoked Gouda cheese. Thrift shopping. Reading. Cuddling. The sound of rain. Pasta. Cinnamon rolls. My family. Blank paper. A clean house. A good laugh. Being tickled. Playing in the rain. Walking barefoot. A good hair day. Skirts and high heels. The library.  Commercial songs. Daydreaming. Sleeping in. French toast. The smell of clean laundry. Music. Back rubs. Candles. Writing. Cooking. Shopping. My job. Going to the movies. Fall. Boots. Staying up late. Sex. People who talk with accents. DIY projects. That my husband and I are best friends. Decorating. Finding a good deal. Spending time with my friends. The spanish language. Road trips. A good book. Painting my toenails. Five guys burgers. Going on a date. Dressing up. PB&J sandwiches. SUVs. My iPad. The way babies smell- when they are clean! A good joke. Riding in the car with my honey. That I got married young. Learning new words. Feeling pretty. Journaling. Bookshelves. Surprises. New things. Writing Utensils. Jackets. Comfy couches. Bacon. Kissing. Planning events. People watching. Adventures. Hotels. A good nights sleep. Feeling loved. Greek yogurt. A good pair of jeans. Cheesecake. Sleepovers. Dresses. Chips and dip. Air hockey. Wearing my hair in curls. Being held. My hometown. Animated movies. Accessories. Being a woman. Apple juice. Mangos. Strawberries. Reeses peanut butter cups. Making a new friend. Encouraging others. Elderly people. Walking in display homes. Christmas. Reading aloud. Blogging/journaling. Accomplishments. Loving someone and being loved back. My birthday. Ponytails. Our wedding rings. Living and growing together with my husband. Worshipping God. The smell of doctors offices. Having someone play in my hair. A good quote. Memories. Salmon. Off days. 

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