Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait... and Wait...

You hear the saying all the time that patience is a virtue but who really likes waiting? I mean, initially the idea of being patient is noble and isn't met with much resistance but after some time of waiting for what seems "too long" for what we expected to have to wait we become irritable and impatient and even angry, I know I do. Most times I battle with offense against the world, or my current circumstance preventing me from obtaining whatever it is that is keeping me from the object  of my attention at the time. I'm a good person who works hard and is usually responsible so I deserve it right? I mean, how fair is it that so many people seem to have things handed to them, while others can work so hard and still can't catch a break? Needless to say, this is something I struggle with. Not so much because I have to be patient, but that after a while I start to get anxious and wonder what's the hold up?  Is it me, or something I've done?  Or not done? Do I want it for the right reasons?  Is it just not my time? There are numerous reasons I can and often do come up with to justify why something isn't happening in my preferred time frame, but the bottom line is that, some times in life there "ain't no rhyme or reason,  no complicated meaning or need to over think it" in the words of one of my favorite songs ("It happens" by Sugarland- in case you were wondering).  Sometimes life just is.  And though it is a simple fact it is that much harder to accept, especially when going through it at the moment.  But I have to say, honestly, that after a while no matter how necessary or dire the reason for my impatience may have been, I find a way to develop some resolve within myself to either become comfortable in waiting, or I realize that it wasn't that necessary to begin with.  But when it comes to bigger, more life defining things in life, such as finding a new job, finishing school, finding a mate, conceiving a child and things of that nature, you wonder what becomes more important; developing a virtue, or getting results?  The truth of the matter is, is that at some point we have to face the restlessness and anxiety that comes along with life and learning to cope with it.  Realizing that things don't always work out as planned no matter how hard we try, shouldn't make us fearful and cease in trying no longer forthcoming with effort, but to have it within ourselves to know that no matter what, we will always try and we won't give up, we'll find a way to do what has to be done and to try and be content while doing so, then we'll be okay.  It will suck, and life will get hard and some opportunities will come and pass but I chose to not let it define me or to get me down, because the only constant is change and life moves at a steady pace whether I move along with it or not.